Tuesday 7 September 2010

Lashoucuihua the original

Lashoucuihua the original (short story)
Sunday, sunny, a peaceful home, in front of her often self-proclaimed \participation in the front of the christian louboutin computer revolution in the work of his hobbies mmm Landlords. bedroom,

also clear, also a peaceful, third grade daughter, in front of his father often self-proclaimed \the body, bent in half bud, boring table to participate in the study of her

hobbies mm r l ought to see \peaceful and harmonious christian louboutin shoes atmosphere to permeate the family Datailielie. all Xiangan harmony, calm hhha long time, a pair of hands gently resting on

both eyes are excluded exempt mmmm shine immersed in the fierce fighting r l Landlords in The father immediately called and Ji Ling, christian louboutin shoes display the mouse arrow to Akira panic a

little, turned around to bow, slightly tiently asked: \something? \a similar advertisement, atmosphere, some live pan, but the \\What do you mean? \did not ask, fixating? \a

good opportunity for educating people, can then I thought, this idiom is really difficult to explain 9-year-olds, said:\parents, first view the dictionary to explain, so you

will remember the profound mm drop! \contrary to expectation, then Road: \, and so her mother asked her to return it \no do not know!! \The bar on the so so so. father thought

and mind to function with fast, suddenly thought of a book written by: Action for children with behavioral description can be felt rather bad way to explain in words the words

the best.

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